Le ReclusiamCritiques des publications et Ebooks Warhammer 40 000 de la Black Library

Ahzek Ahriman

Ahriman : Le Sorcier (couverture française)

Grand sorcier de la Légion des Thousand Sons, il est aussi un personnage mythique dans l’univers de Warhammer 40K de part son sombre destin. Ayant participé à l’Hérésie d’Horus avant de vivre une partie de sa vie en exile, Ahriman devra retrouver sa voie et se lier à des forces qu’il y a bien longtemps il avait juré d’anéantir. Si le personnage vous intéresse, avec son background extrêmement riche et sa détermination, cette trilogie de John French aura toutes les qualités pour vous plaire.

Ahriman : Hounds of Wrath

The starship Fall of Ignorance, a vessel of the sorcerer Ahriman's fleet, is dead, its remains spinning in the void. Ctesias and Sanakht, servants of the Thousand Sons Exile, are sent to discover the cause of its destruction. On board they find a crew ravaged by monstrous daemonic hounds – the Blood God's hunters. Pursued and injured, can Ctesias survive the attention of the Hounds of Wrath?

Ahriman : Key of Infinity

Durée : 18 min
On the warship Messenger of Hermes, Ahzek Ahriman and his servant Ignis study a most unusual prisoner – a metal construct containing the consciousness of a member of a long extinct race – the necrontyr. As they interrogate the necron Setekh, he is also learning about them – over and over again as he uses ancient techonology to relive the moment and plot his escape. Will he succeed, or will Ahriman prevail?

Ahriman : Exodus

Ahriman, exiled sorcerer lord of the Thousand Sons, has many servants who do his bidding. Each has a tale to tell, but few as compelling as that of Ctesias the twice-dead, summoner of daemons. From an encounter with the mysterious Dead Oracle to the perils of the Hounds and Wrath and navigating the Gates of Ruin, Ctesias is a vital link in Ahriman’s grand plan. This is Ctesias’ tale, in his own words, of his trials and the great and terrible deeds he has performed in his master’s name. This is the chronicle of his path to damnation as he leads Ahriman to his exodus from the Eye of Terror.

Ahriman : Unchanged

It has taken many long years and countless sacrifices, but finally Ahriman, former Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons, now exile and sorcerer, is ready to attempt the most audacious and daring feat of his long life. His quest for knowledge and power has all been for one purpose, and he would now see that purpose fulfilled. His goal? Nothing less than undoing his greatest failure and reversing the Rubric that damned his Legion…

Ahriman : Le Sorcier

Ahriman, le plus puissant sorcier des Thousand Sons, et créateur du Rubric qui a ravagé sa propre légion, poursuit son chemin solitaire. Hanté par les échos de ce qu'aurait dû être l'avenir, il se voit forcé de trouver une réponse à la question qui le ronge : son rituel était-il condamné à échouer ? Peut-être l'illumination viendra-t-elle de l'artéfact connu sous le nom d'Athenaneum de Kallimakus, un grimoire depuis longtemps oublié contenant soit disant une transcription exacte du Livre de Magnus, et les pensées les plus intimes du primarque disparu.

Ahriman : Gates of Ruin

Ahriman, sorcerer lord of the Thousand Sons, seeks the fabled Gates of Ruin, reportedly a safe way out of the Eye of Terror, far from the eyes of the Imperium. But when he finds the Gates of Ruin, he discovers that he has been drawn into a deadly trap. As daemons attack, Ahriman and his followers must draw on all their power and skill if they are to survive.

Ahriman : The First Prince

When his servant Ctesias meets his end, the Thousand Sons arch-sorcerer Ahriman is thrust into a deadly conflict with a creature of darkness, a being from the beginning of time whose cunning and thirst for power are the equal of his own – the first daemon prince of Chaos, the dreaded Be’lakor. As the daemon taunts Ahriman with the very secrets of creation, the sorcerer tries to bargain with the beast for Ctesias’s life… but can a deal with a daemon ever be honoured?

Ahriman : The Dead Oracle

Ctesias, an ancient Space Marine and former prisoner of Amon of the Thousand Sons, tells the tale of one of the events that led him to his destiny. After Amon’s demise, Ctesias comes into the service of Ahriman, the exiled First Captain of the broken Legion, and is given power undreamed of – and drawn into a plot involving the otherworldly daemons of the warp, the machinations of Ahriman and the mysterious dead oracle.

Avec The Dead Oracle, John French parvient avec brio à nous offrir un interlude au prochain tome de la Saga d'Ahriman grâce à l'apparition d'un nouveau personnage dont le rôle s’avèrera essentiel pour la suite. Sans trop en dévoiler, l'auteur nous gratifie en plus d'u...
