Le ReclusiamCritiques des publications et Ebooks Warhammer 40 000 de la Black Library

Audio Drama - Graham McNeill

The Either

Audio Drama : 67 min
Captain Tybalt Marr of the Sons of Horus, so often overlooked by his more glory-hungry brethren, returns to his Legion in triumph. However, his boasts of having slain the infamous Iron Hands warleader Shadrak Meduson soon fall flat when he learns of the recent assassination attempt on Horus himself. Gathering his forces upon the conquered world of Dwell, Marr returns to battle against the Shattered Legions, determined to earn his rightful place in history.

Avec un contexte aussi complet, on se demandera même comment l'auteur a pu inclure autant d'éléments sans parfaitement les expliquer. Il faudra donc passer par la case recherche pour ne rien manquer de cet audio mêlant en réalité plusieurs trames.

Thief of Revelations

Audio Drama : 30 min
The Thousand Sons – a Legion whose destiny was irrevocably altered at Prospero, and yet who now seem to dance only to fate’s tune. Ahzek Ahriman and Magnus the Red cast their psychic sight over the galaxy, seeking any clue as to what the future might hold and where their true allegiance should ultimately be placed.

Interlude non dissimulée pour le futur The Crimson King, Thief of Revelations nous gratifie d'un excellent travail qui mélange savamment ambiance sonore intelligente et récit captivant.
Le point de départ d'un nouveau fluff.

Lucius : The Eternal Blade

Audio Drama : 10 min
Renowned as one of the finest duelists the galaxy has ever known, Lucius seeks ever greater challenges against which to test himself. After the Emperor's Children Legion scattered in the wake of their primarch's apotheosis on Iydris, he finds his way into the domain of a similarly legendary swordsman — Sanakht of the Thousand Sons. But which of these infamous warriors carries the greater favour amongst their new masters?

Un Audio Drama très agréable qui, en peu de temps, nous offre un duel très ambiancé, des indices sur les prochaines rencontres et un twist final pour clore le tout.

Wolf Hunt

Audio Drama : 70 min
A fugitive stalks the shadows of the Petitioner’s City. Though his fellow Outcast Dead are no more, the lone wolf Severian still intends to escape from Terra by any means possible – but the enigmatic hunter Yasu Nagasena is in pursuit. As news of the massacre on Isstvan V continues to spread and Severian’s trail doubles back to the place where it all began, both he and Nagasena must face some uncomfortable truths, and an even more uncertain future.

À la sortie des Morts Oubliés, certains avaient cru que cette erreur temporelle fut volontaire. Je ne le pense pas. Cela complexifie de manière artificielle toute l'histoire, sans réel intérêt, et alors que Wolf Hunt remet les choses dans l'ordre, la construction de l'audio dram...

Eye of Vengeance

Audio Drama : 65 min
When the twisted Dark Mechanicus priests of the Bloodborn descend upon Quintarn, the Ultramarines are quick to move in defence of their prized agri-world. However, it soon becomes apparent that the planet’s fate will not be decided by the massed battle companies of the Space Marines, but by the actions of just one lowly sergeant – Torias Telion. A master marksman and Scout with a long history of service to the Chapter, Telion must now face the worst of the Bloodborn’s technological terrors and secure the city of Idrisia from the enemy advance, if the Ultramarines are to have any hope of pre...

Eye of Vengeance est ce genre d’audio drama, pas dénué de qualités (sons, bruitages, et ambiance au rendez vous), qui n’arrive pas à faire sa place au milieu des grands. Sympa dès le premier écoute, il n’en reste pas moins un achat fort peu conseillable.

The Dark King & The Lightning Tower

Audio Book : 75 min
The Dark King by Graham McNeill The acts of terror and warmongering by Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords Legion, have earned the ire of his brother primarch, Rogal Dorn. Wracked by terrible visions of the future, Curze is driven insane and attacks Dorn, setting the Night Lord on an inexorable course towards eternal damnation.

Avec le premier récit, nous sommes aux prémices de l’Hérésie d’Horus, alors que le second est le récit qui nous amènera le plus loin dans cette Saga du point de vu chronologique. Un passage à l’audio vraiment agréable rendant un Curze encore plus effrayant et un Dorn hésitant sur l’avenir de l...