Le ReclusiamCritiques des publications et Ebooks Warhammer 40 000 de la Black Library


Sins of the Father

As Azkaellon and Amit duel in the ritual Tempest of Angels, the two favoured sons of Sanguinius learn something about their virtues and their weaknesses, of both themselves and each other.

Difficile de s'engager véritablement dans le récit avec un contenu aussi court. L'auteur parvient malgré tout à capter notre attention en début d'ouvrage pour terminer finalement sa course sans parvenir à nous convaincre.


As they travel between warzones, veterans of the Tanith First and Only gather to tell tales and remember victories past. When it comes to Scout Sergeant Mkoll, his story, reluctantly told, is of a mist-shrouded battlefield in the night and a dangerous presence that lurked in the darkness, preying on the soldiers of the regiment. But just what horror could haunt the Ghosts?

Brotherhood of the Moon

In the aftermath of the rebellion within his Legion, Jaghatai Khan ordered the trials of his wayward sons to determine whether or not they would atone. The proud Terran legionary Torghun Khan now stands before his accusers, and must account for the events that could have led him into outright heresy.

Une nouvelle qui tente maladroitement de nous rappeler la présence de la loge au sein des White Scars. Malheureusement, on ne ressent pas suffisamment les enjeux pour se sentir un tant soit peu concerné.

The Value of Fear

The Raven Guard under Corax continue to gather all leaderless loyalists to their banner, determined to take the fight to Horus and his heretics. In the industrial nightmare of the underhive, the XIXth Legion receive a lesson in terror tactics from the most unlikely of allies – the Night Lords.

The Value of Fear aurait pu être beaucoup plus pertinente. Traiter côte à côte la Raven Guard et les Night Lords était une très bonne idée. Malheureusement, le récit bien que bref semble trop long et pousse indubitablement à l'ennui. Force est de constater que parfois, avoir l'idée n...

A Son's Burden

The Blood Angels call for aid, and the Flesh Tearers answer, but Gabriel Seth’s warriors are already engaged in battle against traitorous cultists on the dark world of Nekkaris. As Seth and Chaplain Appollus prepare to leave for the Cryptus system, Sergeant Eschiros and his Scout squad fight behind enemy lines, unaware of the almighty sacrifice they may soon have to make.


The Ring of Iron encircles Mars like a broken halo, standing as the last contested outpost of the Dark Mechanicum inside the Imperial Fists’ blockade. But those rogue priests and adepts lurking in the depths will soon face a new enemy, and the hunters shall become the prey.

Voici une petite nouvelle nous introduisant les Vorax d'une manière subtile, alors que notre héros du Mechanicum Noir devient la proie d'une partie de chasse. Matthew Farrer connait son sujet, mais ne se démarque pas des tonnes d'autres nouvelles dont la série nous inonde.

The Final Compliance of Sixty-Three Fourteen

As Horus grinds the Imperium beneath his boot, emissaries from the XVIth Legion return to worlds sworn to the Warmaster during the Great Crusade to have them renew their fealty. With the Sons of Horus already at battle readiness over Sixty-Three Fourteen, a grim decision must be made.

Encore une nouvelle histoire "sympa mais sans plus" qui s'ajoute à la liste déjà longue des récits Horus Heresy dont on se passerait bien. A lire si vous en avez vraiment envie mais dans le genre il y a mieux.


Chagrined by his defeat at the hands of Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion abandons the pursuit of the White Scars and instead leads the Death Guard in a spiteful, punitive rampage across the systems of the Prosperine empire. World after world has fallen to this horrific onslaught, and yet the insular and secretive primarch seems preoccupied by some other, unspoken goal. Finally, on Terathalion, the truth of Mortarion’s sinister heritage will be exposed, and the future of the XIV Legion will be written.

Avec Daemonology, nous sommes au top départ de la prochaine et inévitable chute du primarque Mortarion ainsi que de la Death Guard. La nouvelle se divise très bien en deux époques et le récit épique, bien que fugace, en fait une sublime introduction à un prochain tome centré sur la XIVème.
